AM Best would like to extend its congratulations to the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) on its 50th anniversary, which is being celebrated during the ongoing 48th annual AIO Conference and Annual General Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya.
The weeklong conference began on Saturday, 25 June 2022 with the theme of “Insurance and Climate Change: Harnessing the Opportunities for Growth in Africa.” The golden jubilee will be celebrated under the theme, “AIO at 50: A call for Africa Insurance Renaissance.”
“I would like to offer congratulations on this milestone to the AIO and its entire membership and commend its new strategic initiatives for advocacy, research, training, capacity and reputation building and for nurturing a forum for communication in the insurance industry,” said Dr. Edem Kuenyehia, Director of Market Development for Africa at AM Best.
“AM Best is committed to being a truly global rating agency, servicing the needs of the (re)insurance industry throughout the world including the growth economies across the African continent,” added Nick Charteris-Black, Managing Director, Market Development – EMEA, AM Best. “Through our rating activities, we seek to strengthen the financial solvency, stability, and sustainability of the insurance industry in support of economic growth and the well-being of all stakeholders.”
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