AM Best is maintaining its market segment outlook on the French non-life insurance market at stable. Key supporting factors include the sector’s resilient underwriting performance against a backdrop of significant competition, modest but regular price increases in core classes of business and good diversification by class of business.
A new Best’s Market Segment Report, titled, “Market Segment Outlook: France Non-Life,” notes that in 2020, non-life premium levels are expected to drop as commercial activity in France has stalled amid restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. France is expected to enter recession this year, but its potential severity and the timing of a rebound is uncertain.
A full complimentary copy of this report is available via the following link:
Best’s Market Segment Outlook: France Non-Life Insurance
To view a replay of a recent AM Best webinar on the French Insurance Market (in French), visit our listings of archived and upcoming webinars.