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• Delphine Traoré is the Africa CEO Forum award winner for The CEO of the Year 2023
• She is the first female CEO of a leading insurance company operating in 14 African countries
• She is recognized by her peers for negotiating a major deal with Sanlam in 2022.
Delphine Traoré, Regional CEO of Allianz Africa, was recognized as CEO of the Year on June 5, 2023, in Abidjan, by the largest private sector meeting on the continent, the Africa CEO Forum.
In the presence of an assembly of almost 2,000 eminent personalities including Governments’ members, high-level actors from the private and public sectors as well as civil society from Africa and the world, Delphine’s merits are thus highlighted, not only as a recognition of her action, but also as a plea for the challenges facing the continent and which require for her continued commitment.
Indeed, in the insurance industry sector, Delphine is recognized for her commitment to improve the governance and successfully negotiated a major deal with Sanlam, making her group the largest non-banking financial services company in Africa. On the social side, over the years, Delphine has never ceased to make a concrete commitment in advocating many social causes in Africa, whether for farmers’ prosperity, education of social entrepreneurs and girls, gender equality, inclusion, impact of climate change on the population…
The challenges are certainly numerous, but for Delphine, the opportunities are just as numerous!
“I would like to thank the Africa CEO forum and Jeune Afrique for this honor. I accept this award on behalf of our teams at Allianz, our partner Sanlam who together with us have been working tirelessly for long hours this past year to bring to life an insurance company that will transform the financial landscape in Africa! We have been supported by team of advisors and lawyers that are the best at their craft. This award is for all of us women. All we need is opportunity. We are seen we must just keep at it.”, stated Delphine Traoré.”, stated Delphine Traoré.
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