
Don’t agree for unethical practitioners to spoil your insurance plan

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Chuks Udo Okonta

Do not allow insurance practitioners who are only interested in their commission to spoil your plans.

You should never buy insurance based on friendship; relationship; sympathy; pity and more, but with clear mind and conscience.

Available statistics have showed that most of the people that have had bad experience on insurance, bought their policies based on the aforementioned reasons and many of them have stayed away from insurance thereby bearing their risks personally.

These unethical practitioners who are portraying insurance practice in bad light, carry out their vices contrary to what their organisations stipulated.

A policyholder who fell into the hands of these unethical practitioners recently, told Inspenonline how the practitioners sold to him a product that was different from what was marketed to him.

According to him, having observed the difference in the policy document, they began to persuade him, trying to foisted the product on him and having rejected the product, they went on threatening him that his premium would not be refunded.

The problem which started in September 2023, was resolved yesterday January 10, 2024 when the matter was reported to the Chief Executive Officer of the underwriting firm, who ensured the collected premium was refunded.

How to defeat unethical insurance practitioners

* Patronise registered insurance brokers/agent

* Don’t buy insurance policy in a haste

* Ensure you read and understand the policy statement/terms and conditions

* Ensure the policy document clearly state all stipulated in the policy statements and conditions.

* Write the Chief Executive Officer about any mis-sell.

* Visit the head office if located around you.

* Consult insurance journalists

* Report to Nigerian Insurers Association complaints bureau.

* Report to National Insurance Commission complaints bureau.

Insurance remains one of the best tools to mitigate risks, hence don’t agree for anybody to deny you of such a wonderful privilege.

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