
Why buying insurance is wise investment

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Chuks Udo Okonta

The quest to remain financially stable has forced many people to put their funds in investments that later turned unproductive, making them burn their fingers. But wise people invest to check risks and insurance remains the best tool to achieve this.

Though, all investments have elements of risks, but investing in insurance policies entails transferring your risks. This makes investments in insurance unique as it helps in risk sharing.

With insurance, an individual puts money in a pool which is a collection of funds from different people and the fund from the pool is used to help individuals that suffer a risk.

It is only in insurance that fund of people you never know are used to attend to your risks several times, without them complaining.

Why insurance investments

* Risk transfer

Investments in insurance gives room for an individual to transfer his or her risks to professionals to manage.
The transfer helps people enjoy great support when they suffer any mishap.

* Small payment big coverage

Investments in insurance enable people to invest small income and have big coverage – benefit. Imagine paying N15,000 on motor insurance third party cover to claim N3 million and other benefits on third party liabilities.

* Safety

Because of regulatory safety measures, investments in insurance is largely protected.
One of the considerations every wise investor has to take, is safety and this is sure in insurance, through oversights carried out daily by the industry’s regulators.

* Wealth creation

Life insurance provides opportunities for people to create more wealth. As a wise investor, leverage unique life insurance products to grow your wealth.

Wait no more, reach out to a reputable insurance company and start an investment today. Note that time waits for no man, the earlier you start the better for your future.

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