
Why insurance industry should float radio station

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Chuks Udo Okonta

No successful insurance event in recent time ends without stakeholders calling for more education and awareness on insurance and this underscores the need for the insurance regulation – National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and practitioners to establish and operate an insurance focused radio station.

Just like other academic institutions which operate a terrestrial radio station, the Insurance Radio should be established through the College of Insurance and Financial Management (CIFM).

The vision for the Insurance Radio has been shared in the past with top leaders in the industry by this writer. The vision was applauded, but no action was taken to explore on it.

At a recent event, the writer also shared the vision with some insurance journalists and they all agreed that the insurance industry needs such a platform to advance insurance knowledge amongst the numerous uninformed and uninsured public.

Benefits of the station

*Effective knowledge dissemination

Floating an insurance focused radio station would beget effective and robust knowledge sharing as the anchors of the programs should be informed insurance practitioners.
This is really necessary as investigations have showed that most On-Air Personality (OAP) that presently anchor insurance programs on radio often demarket insurance instead of promoting it.
Some of them share unconfirmed tales about insurance, hence making listeners to stay away instead of embracing insurance.

*Feedback channel

Floating a radio station would enable the industry harness prompt feedback from the public. Oftentimes, many policyholders seek for an engaging platforms to express their feelings, but due to non existence of such platforms, they share wrong information with the public which then turn against insurance practice.


Having a radio station would provide an avenue for beneficiaries of insurance system to directly share their experiences.
Creating an opportunity for beneficiaries of insurance to share their experiences has been a challenge for the industry as many of the companies feel it is not necessary in spite the fact that the approach would have helped correct the notion that insurance companies don’t pay claims.

Having a radio station and designating schedule for claims testimonials would enable the public to motivate others on benefits of insurance.

*Job creation

Having a radio station would create jobs for both insurance practitioners and the general public.


The insurance industry is in need of revenue generating opportunities, which having a radio station would help generate revenue for the sector.

The benefits of having a radio station by the insurance industry are enormous and should be encouraged by all lovers of good things.

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