
Besides claims payment, what insurance companies can do for you

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Chuks Udo Okonta

Don’t limit your opportunities as you refrain from insurance just because of the belief that all you can get from insurance companies is settlement of claims when risks occur.

Insurance operators responsibilities are more than collection of premium and settlement of claims.

Other things insurance companies can do for you

*Financial planning

Insurance operators are major players in the financial sector, hence, they are in better position to counsel you on how to effectively plan your finance for an improved investments returns.

*Fund management

Insurance operators are exposed to robust investments portfolios and can help you grow and manage your fund for a better return.
Investments products like, endowment, deferred annuity and other saving channels can help manage and grow your fund.

*Risk advisory

Knowing how to manage your risk at a reduced cost is one of the best counsels you can get from professional insurers.
Insurance operators when consulted, would help you identify, profile and structure your risks for effective management.

*Credit finance

Insurance companies with good group structure can help meet your financial quest. You can access credit from their subsidiaries to support your personal and business needs.

*Job opportunities

When people refuse to buy insurance, they limit the ability of insurance companies to expand and provide jobs. Those your relatives that are underemployed or unemployed can gain better employment in insurance and live comfortably through the premium you pay.

*Socially responsibility

The life of many citizens have changed through support from insurance companies.
Insurance companies, annually budget huge fund for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. The activities come in form of scholarships, medical outreaches; school adoptions; community supports and more.

*Business support

Reputable insurance companies often organised business supports for their clients. This comes inform of training and knowledge transfer.

Now that you are aware of some things that insurance companies do, aside settlement of claims, if before now, you have negative perception about insurance, you should develop a change of attitude, embrace insurance to enable you enjoy what others are enjoying.

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