
How to achieve dreamed wedding with profit sharing takaful plan

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Chuks Udo Okonta

Congratulations to all those that wedded today. They should be celebrated for wedding is no longer an easy feat in recent time, due to soaring cost of living.

For the unmarried that look forward to their wedding day, profit sharing, marriage takaful insurance plan can really help you plan and achieve your dreamed wedding.

With Marriage Takaful Plan, your dreamed wedding can be achieved without hassle. All you need do is to take the step today and your dreamed wedding is assured.

What to do

* Set wedding time

The first thing you need do, is to set a time you want to have the wedding. This would help focus all plans around the time.

* Set wedding budget

Having fixed the time for the wedding, you progressed to setting a budget for the wedding. The budget should take into account all expenses to be incurred and inflation should also be considered.

* Consult takaful insurance firm

The plans set should be presented to takaful insurers that would help determine what should be contributed monthly to achieve the set target.

How marriage takaful plan makes wedding possible

* Flexible contributions

The marriage takaful plan is designed to assist those who seek good wedding to save money through a convenient contributory strategy.
Takaful operators having received the wedding plans, arrange a flexible means of contributing toward the set financial target.
The contributory period could span between one to five years depending on your marriage plan.

* Profit sharing

One of the unique features of takaful insurance is bonus/profit sharing. While you contribute towards your wedding, you also partake in sharing of profits made by the company in a financial year.

* Part withdrawal

While contributing towards the wedding, you have the privilege to access part of the contributions already made to solve urgent needs, even as the contributions continue.

* Contributions not forfeited in the event of cancellation

If you decide to cancel the policy, your contributions wouldn’t be forfeited.

While it is advised that people should plan their wedding according to their financial capacity, this plan suits all forms of marriage arrangements, provided contributors are able to shoulder the financial commitments.

Don’t borrow money for your wedding and don’t rely on family and friends, draw a plan today and consult takaful firms like Hilal Takaful Nigeria to help you achieve your dreamed wedding.

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