
Why prompt claims payment is best advertorial for insurers

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Chuks Udo Okonta

An insurance agent, Joe Benson, was on a trip with a friend. While at the airport, his friend met a client. They embraced and greeted.
Benson, also greet his friend’s client and gave him his company’s complimentary card.

The man on sighting the name of Benson’s insurance company, turned to him, eulogizing the firm. He told Benson and his friend how his business partner was restored having suffered a mishap, through claims paid by Benson’s employer.

The elated man turned Benson into a celebrity, commending him and his company for the boost given to his partner.

The chance meeting, turned out to be a multi-million business leverage for Benson, as the man promised to undertake all his insurance business with his firm.

Narrating the experience, Benson told Inspenonline that the commission he earned from the business had with the man, was used to build his first house.

Chika Nwosu was lamenting to his friend, how his claims with an insurance firm was wrongly managed.
Having shared his ordeal, his friend, who just got a vehicle replacement from an insurance company, advised him not to let go insurance, but moved to the insurance that covered his risks.

He told Nwosu how he was involved in an accident that damaged his luxury vehicle, stating that the insurance company that underwrote the vehicle having accessed the damage, resolved to replace the vehicle as against repair.

Nwosu, who was embittered due to his experience, became enlivened by the experience shared by his friend.
Today, Nwosu is happy to insure his supper markets and vehicles, though, not the erring insurance company.

Why claims payment is good means of advertorial

* Goodwill

An insurance that honours claims promptly, would continue to enjoy goodwill from known and unknown individuals.

* Referral

Businesses thrive greatly through referral, hence, what claims beneficiaries said about a company, matter more than whatsoever the company display before the public.


Insurance companies that pay claims promptly enjoy public trust. Policyholders entrust their risks and go to sleep knowing fully well that the companies wouldn’t compromise their legacy.

The Commissioner for Insurance Sunday Thomas, had at different fora stressed that prompt claims payment remains the best advertorial for the insurance industry.

Inspenonline findings revealed that an insurance awareness campaign was once halted in the past owing to counter negative commentaries from the public on failure of some companies to pay claims.

Companies that priorities prompt payment of genuine claims, would continue to enjoy good commentaries from the public.

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